4) He challenges the status quo
The best thing about Chicago Justice, as represented through the character of Peter Stone, was that it didn’t settle. Peter’s world wasn’t just about “good guys win and bad guys lose.” There were so many questions to be asked, and he never shied away from asking them. No matter who that made angry.
It’s almost a running joke at this point how many people Peter has ticked off. Over the course of Chicago Justice, he upset every other main character. Particularly Mark Jefferies, as it seemed like the two were arguing with each other every week over one thing or another, and you could see in Jefferies’ expressions how Peter was giving him a literal headache.
Then when he was brought over to Law & Order: SVU last month, what was the first thing he did? He infuriated Olivia Benson (Mariska Hargitay) when he agreed to prosecute her friend and their current Assistant District Attorney Rafael Barba (Raul Esparza) for murder. Not a great impression there either.
But that’s who Peter Stone is. He’s unafraid to stand up and ask why, or to voice the unpopular opinion, or to just push a little harder to do what must be done. He goes where nobody else dares, and we’ll follow him there. Even if sometimes he makes us a little crazy, too.