For National Stress Awareness Day, we’re looking back at the 5 most stressed One Chicago characters across Chicago Fire, Chicago Med and Chicago PD!
Despite being a TV series, NBC’s One Chicago franchise has hit home with a lot of storylines – eating disorders, gun violence, car accidents and much more. However, perhaps one of the main themes littered throughout the One Chicago franchise is how tough first responders have it and how easy it is for them to get stressed, even if it is over the smallest of things.
First responders have some of the most difficult jobs, running head-first into a life or death situation to save lives whilst putting their own at risk. We see them as heroes, which is how they should be seen, but behind the scenes, things can get tough.
One of the things we love about One Chicago is how accurate it is to the life of a first responder and the difficulty of the job as well as the stress that comes with it. They show us the difficult life of a first responder without glossing over the difficulty, the stress that can build after the things they’ve seen.
From being Captain of a firehouse to being a psychology resident, One Chicago has presented us with many reasons as to why a first responder would get stressed. It is this stress that shows us they are ordinary people with an extraordinary job forced to carry the often traumatizing events which unfold day after day.
Click through the slideshow to see our Top 5 picks for the most stress characters of the One Chicago franchise, and our advice on how to handle the stress they’re routinely under.