Chicago PD’s Denny Woods is the villain we love to hate, so we’re counting the worst things Mykelti Williamson’s character has done in Chicago PD season 5.
Denny Woods has become the scourage of Chicago PD. He’s spent literally the entirety of Chicago PD season 5 on a vendetta against Hank Voight, which will come to a head in tomorrow’s season finale.
But whatever happens in Wednesday’s episode, Mykelti Williamson‘s character is going to go down in Chicago PD history. He’s gone from being Voight’s former partner and confidante to a man whose sole mission in life is to tear him down and see him behind bars, and he doesn’t care at all if anyone or anything else gets in the way. He’s done things that are illegal, unethical, and just plain make us want to throw something at our TV.
While we wait for the final showdown between Woods and Voight, we’re looking back at the season of Woods’ discontent by talking about his greatest hits—the things he’s done that have been the most problematic or the most annoying to watch. Meanwhile, we’ll talk about how great of a job Mykelti Williamson has done bringing him back and turning him from just a nuisance into a full-blown villain.
Click through the below slideshow as we count down the five most infuriating things Denny Woods has done this season, and let us know what you think about his actions in the comments before tuning in tomorrow to see if he finally nabs Voight in the Chicago PD season finale!