4. Sergeant Bosco, Bob’s Burgers
Yes, that’s Gary Cole who provides the voice of the embittered police sergeant who has become a recurring character on FOX‘s hit animated series. Bosco is definitely a jerk and he’s unapologetic about it, like Grissom, but he’s mostly hot air (and drunk texts).
Bosco is introduced in the episode “Bob Day Afternoon” when a man tries to rob the bank across the street, so the police seize Bob’s Burgers as their base of operations. Bosco soon establishes himself as loud, cynical, and not nearly as great at his job as he thinks he is. He’s made a few more appearances on the show since, and it’s great fun to hear Gary Cole say the ridiculous things that come out of his mouth.
The character is so clearly stuck up that it’s hilarious, including refusing to help Bob’s wife Linda when Bob goes missing in a later episode while showing off the drunk texts he sent to his own ex-spouse. He also makes a terrible attempt at Valentine’s Day speed dating that proves he should probably never be allowed to marry again.
However, for all his bluster and all the cringe-worthy things he says, Bosco seems relatively harmless. He does a lot of talking, but Bob’s Burgers makes it pretty clear that he’s equally likely to be drinking or just not caring as he is to actually follow through on anything.