Kevin Atwater has been with Chicago PD since the beginning, so why aren’t we seeing more of him? Here’s why we need more Atwater on Chicago PD!
Over five seasons of Chicago PD, we’ve seen each character grow over the course of the show. Our favorite cops have struggled with family deaths, cases so unusual they are unlikely to forget them, and the difficulties of working in the most elite police unit in Chicago. But relatively speaking, there hasn’t been as much growth or as many storylines for Kevin Atwater (LaRoyce Hawkins).
Although Atwater had a rather eventful storyline at the start of Chicago PD season 5, we have seen very little of him and know very little of his background compared to the other officers in the Intelligence Unit. Perhaps the writers are trying to build up to a dramatic moment for Atwater in the new season or want to keep the viewers guessing.
However, as the show starts its sixth season, we think it’s about time we got to know Atwater a little more. The relative lack of Atwater storylines hasn’t gone unnoticed by the viewers, and we want to see more of him. We want to understand more about him, and we want to see more of what LaRoyce Hawkins brings to the show each week.
So we’re making our case for Chicago PD season 6 to include more of Kevin Atwater. These are the reasons why we think he’s the show’s most underused character, and why that needs to come to an end in the upcoming season.
Click through the slideshow to see our three reasons why we want more Kevin Atwater on Chicago PD, and let us know if you want to see more Atwater in the comments at the end of this article.