How has Chicago Med season 4 gone for Daniel Charles? Before Chicago Med returns, we’re reviewing the season for Oliver Platt’s character.
Before Chicago Med comes back in the new year, we’re taking a moment to pause and look at the current season for each character. What are the important events that fans need to remember? What plot developments have been good for them, and which ones need to be improved? And of course, where could they go next when new episodes start on Jan. 9?
Click through the below slideshow as we look at Chicago Med season 4 as it relates to Daniel Charles (Oliver Platt), starting with:

What’s happened so far
The biggest development for Dr. Charles happened right at the top of this Chicago Med season, and was actually an extension of the subplot from last season. Charles helped the Chicago Police Department’s investigation of Robert Haywood (guest star Michel Gill), who had been arrested since Charles uncovered that he was a murderer during the third season.
But the case cost Charles the person dearest to him. Having found out the truth sometime in the break between seasons, Robert’s daughter Sarah Reese (Rachel DiPillo) was angry at Charles not only for failing to tell her about her father’s past—but also being willing to let Robert die when he collapsed in the Chicago Med season 3 finale. Though Charles ultimately did help to save Robert’s life, Reese could sense his reluctance.
After giving him a piece of her mind, Reese declared that she was leaving Chicago Med to finish her psych residency at Baylor. She hasn’t been seen on the show since, which has meant that Dr. Charles has had to venture into other characters’ storylines.
He’s provided consults for various characters, like Dr. Ethan Choi (Brian Tee), as he has done for each of the past three seasons.
But his biggest case came when Charles and Dr. Natalie Manning (Torrey DeVitto) were stuck in the hospital during a lockdown. Charles pretended to call for help with their pregnant patient, which made Natalie feel safe enough to deliver the baby—but she accused him of manipulating her when she found out he actually hadn’t been talking to anyone.