Herrmann’s headache
Christopher Herrmann (David Eigenberg) began grousing about where his son was going to go to college. Then he got even more irritated when a teenage driver tailgated and hit the fire engine while the team was on their way to a call. Chicago Fire fans could just feel his blood pressure rising through the screen.
Herrmann was forced to make a quick decision when Ritter (recurring guest star Daniel Kyri) saw that the crashed car was leaking fuel. He went into the car to extricate the trapped driver, and in true Chicago Fire fashion, the vehicle went up in flames just moments after Herrmann had gotten both of them out. He was clearly shaken, but didn’t say anything about it until giving his report to Chief Boden, reflecting on “bonehead kids.”
When he got home, Herrmann got in a disagreement with his son about a dent that he found in his car’s back bumper. He was prepared to confiscate Lee Henry’s car keys, and even snapped at Cindy (Robyn Coffin) for “coddling” Lee Henry when she pointed out the dent had happened two months earlier. He was obviously projecting his concerns about the kid in the accident onto his family.
But after being banished to the couch for the evening, Herrmann calmed down. He paid a visit to the injured driver in the hospital, where he ran into the young man’s father and the two had a talk about parenting. He even gave the father his phone number in case he needed anything! There’s the Christopher Herrmann fans of Chicago Fire know and love.
When Cindy came by Firehouse 51 looking for her husband, she found out what had happened. And while she looked on, Herrmann gave Lee Henry the car keys back, along with an apology while he admitted he would never stop worrying about his son. Then he hugged it out with his wife and all was well in the Herrmann household.