Is Ava lying again?
Dr. Daniel Charles (Oliver Platt) went on a first date that ended abruptly when the two found her daughter Britt in a bad way. The young woman was a former drug addict and Charles insisted on bringing her into the hospital, where she was diagnosed with endocarditis.
Charles proposed an experimental drug to treat her, but it would only work if she had been clean for at least two weeks, and never used again. The resulting interaction would be dangerous. Britt swore she was clean, but a resulting reaction proved that she was lying—and her mom covered it up. Britt then escaped from the hospital, and was not found.
Meanwhile, Phillip Davis (guest star Ian Harding) came back to see Dr. Natalie Manning (Torrey DeVitto). His daughter had an infection in her brain. This upset Phillip, because it was very close to how his wife had died.
Ava apologized to Connor for her role in last episode’s surgery accident, before both of them were confronted by Gwen Garrett (Heather Headley). She had an anonymous complaint about their case from the midseason finale—the informant who died after Connor woke him up early in order to help rescue Will.
Though Connor just told Will it was “an old case” that got him in trouble, he was surprised that the whole hearing board (including a returning Dr. Isidore Latham!) just wanted to apologize to him for its accusation. Why? Because Ava had convincingly covered for him. “I’d do anything for you,” she told him, which probably wasn’t meant to sound as creepy as it came off.
Uncomfortable, Connor went to Goodwin asking to clear things up—only to find that she was well aware why he’d made the choices he did, and she was also willing to look the other way. But one question was left unanswered: who made that complaint, two months later? Connor believed that once again, Ava was pulling the strings. They both told each other to get some help. But will they?
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