The next day, Boden opened his meeting with a speech about how Stella had demonstrated her firefighter spirit. While she got a round of applause, Ritter’s replacement showed up and immediately did not endear himself to Herrmann or Casey. But dealing with him was pushed aside to handle a car accident that had turned into a small fire. Casey spotted a propane tank in the blaze and had the car pulled out of the wreck just before the tanks exploded. That’s two close calls in one Chicago Fire episode! Everyone gets a bonus scare.
With the crisis averted, everyone waited for Cindy to reveal what she’d done to the Firehouse 51 common room. She had gone completely Asian with the theme, including the presence of a gong, and gotten rid of their TV. Even Brett was shocked, and the team expected Herrmann to break the bad news to his wife. Which he did, in true Herrmann fashion, calling it “some Salvador Dali nightmare.”
But Cindy had the last laugh: she had only set the room up this way for the magazine’s photo shoot, and had been going to put it all back to normal once the cameras left. Now she was mad at Herrmann too. At least he was able to make up with Casey, who finally admitted that “I haven’t been myself lately.” And insult was added to injury when Otis and Cruz took the Asian-inspired couch from Cindy’s arsenal and tried to bring it into Molly’s.
Chicago Fire ended “Move A Wall” with Upton telling Stella and Severide that the man they arrested had been running a scam on the foster care system for years, and their work had put a stop to it. She even gave Stella drawings from the thankful kids she had rescued! And Severide shared a long look with Stella, so what was on his mind?
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