Connor and Choi take action
David’s demands are simple: he just wants to take his girlfriend and their unborn child out of the hospital. Not that she wants to go with him. He refuses to allow Connor to take Lily’s dad upstairs for surgery, despite all of the blood all over the floor. At least Maggie gets David to call 911 and ask for supplies, which he insists that Goodwin bring in. She’s the only person that he trusts, since she was nice to him earlier.
Meanwhile, Lily is even more upset because she has to deliver her baby, since her plan was never to have to see the child. This stress will certainly not help her through labor. Will and Natalie team up to perform the delivery, trying to calm Lily down, but Lily decides this would be a good time to tell David how she really feels.
That botches Choi’s plan to sneak up on the gunman, who turns the weapon on Choi before insisting April handcuff him to the nearest desk. Declaring that he’ll shoot the next person who tries anything, he’s volatile as Charles tries to give Goodwin advice on dealing with him. The police also want to tell her how to manuever David into a place where they can shoot him if necessary. She doesn’t want to hear either of these things.
Goodwin comes into the ED with the blood for Lily’s father, and after getting a negative prognosis from Connor, she’s able to convince David to let him go upstairs for surgery. But when Maggie gets the ED’s rear doors open, the SWAT cops force their way in, leading David to take Goodwin as a new hostage.
April needs a doctor for Joshua, but a now even more irritated David has no more goodwill, and tells her to treat him without Choi. Choi is at least able to talk her through what to do, while Lily’s baby has turned itself sideways, forcing Natalie to make a drastic decision to right the child using medication.
With Lily’s father upstairs, Connor goes to check on his father, who blames him for being stuck in a hostage situation before he stops breathing. Connor is able to get him back, but soon confirms his father has a hole in his heart. Cornelius wants his son to let him die, but Connor is pissed off as all heck now—and refuses to save Lily’s baby unless David moves his father up to surgery. Even with David pointing the gun at him.