1. Connor and Ava’s non-drama
By far, the biggest WTF moments in the One Chicago finales were the total lack of closure for the three departing characters. While there’s no official word, the only plausible explanation is that the decision to get rid of Antonio, Connor Rhodes (Colin Donnell) and Ava Bekker (Norma Kuhling) had to have happened after these finales were written—otherwise, the writers disappointed a lot of fans.
At least on Chicago PD, there are some vague implications about what might happen to Antonio. His last scene was popping another pill, implying he’s about to relapse and could be fired or quit over his drug addiction, and some fans believe he may have been Kelton’s killer. But Chicago Med had a terrible resolution to Connor and Ava’s storyline.
The season finale finally spelled out what fans had long suspected: Ava was indeed crazy, as she told Connor that she had murdered his father (D.W. Moffett) so that they could be together again. He told her they were done; she called him names and left. And…that was it.
Presumably, if she confessed to Cornelius’ murder, the implication is that she also did all of the other things she’s been accused of throughout the season, too. But that’s not automatically true and none of the other allegations were addressed.
What’s worse, Ava essentially walked out of the hospital scott free. Connor was shocked, but he’s been a lot angrier over a lot less, and he didn’t do anything but stand there as she left. He should have truly called her out—if not for him, then for all the fans who have spent all season wanting to see Ava held accountable, and instead got no resolution.
Even if Chicago Med explains what happened in next season’s premiere, that won’t make up for working up the fans and then leaving them empty-handed this season, or the way that this plot went on literally all season and led to two characters being written out of the show. Some kind of closure was not only necessary, but deserved, and the One Chicago fandom has every right to be unhappy with how Connor and Ava ended.
Which moment from the season finales of Chicago Fire, Chicago Med or Chicago PD was the most WTF moment for you? Let us know your opinions in the comments below.