Halstead’s fate and Angela’s decision
Interspersed throughout this complicated case, was of course, the overarching worry about Jay Halstead’s fate. Fear not Chicago PD fans: Jay Halstead is very much alive and somewhat well.
Hailey was the one by his bedside, and when he woke up, the first thing he told her is how much he hates hospitals. “You have got to get me out of here,” he said, semi-serious. Hailey smiled at him, and he turned his attention to Voight, who came by his bed next.
Jay, being the good-natured man that he is, asked what could be done for Angela. Voight didn’t budge on the charge of attempted murder, and while Jay was not exactly happy with it, he understood where his sergeant was coming from.
Speaking of Angela, she was Voight’s next stop. Hank threatened her with the attempted murder charge, plus an accomplice to the drug rip that got she and Halstead in trouble in the first place.
Angela cried for her son, saying how he no longer had a father, to which Voight aptly responded that was why he needed his mother. It was a one-time-only offer, and if she ever decided to tell her story down the line, Voight would find her, and bury her.
While she contemplated her decision, Kevin had to confront his brother about that incriminating tape. Jordan swore that he did not kill Trey, but Christy did. Kevin believed him, and told Voight of this new development.
When Hank and Kevin went to Christy with this damning evidence, she didn’t quite break. She only fessed up when Voight said that it wasn’t about what’s true or not true; it’s all about what he can prove. She told them her side of the story: she went to Trey’s to get the $1,000 for letting him use her car. He didn’t want to give it to her, and Christy was sick and tired of being treated like crap. Before she knew it, she heard a loud ‘pop’ and Trey was on the ground, bleeding out.
But, back to Jay Halstead. He was still in the hospital, but appeared to be ready to go home. His arm was in a sling, and Hailey, who had dropped by again, helped him into his jacket. After a moment, she looked at Jay and said she needed to tell him something. That this whole situation made her realize something important.
But of course, in true TV fashion, Hailey’s confession was interrupted by Jay’s undercover phone, which was ringing in the plastic bag she had brought him. He walked over to see who the caller was. It was Angela’s son, Billy.
Hailey told him that he was with his mother (so it’s implied Angela took Voight’s deal), so Jay really needed to let it go. For once, he actually listened to her, and put the phone away. He turned back to ask her what she was originally going to tell him, to which she deflected, telling him that it was nothing.
The episode ended with Kevin trying to get ahold of Jordan. He had told him to go home, stay away from Christy, and keep his mouth shut. But did he listen? That is left up in the air as the screen faded to black, with Kevin unable to actually hear from his brother.
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