Roman’s return
Chicago Fire fans will not be surprised to see that Brett’s outright upset now, and of course Casey appears to check on her again. He points out that while one victim died, she did save two other lives. And he also steers the conversation back to her mom, volunteering to drive her to her mother’s home. Brett says that’d be “amazing.”
Severide is summoned to the 21st District, where Ruzek and Atwater have located the kid that ran away earlier. His name is Travis and he repeats that the pills were at a party and he doesn’t know who sold them. Ruzek tells Severide that Intelligence will look for everyone who was at the party and bring them in.
Back at Firehouse 51, former Chicago PD regular Sean Roman (Brian Geraghty is now sporting a beard) makes the most inauspicious entrance ever. He confirms he’s still working in San Diego, but then drops a bomb: the girl who died was also his sister Sarah’s best friend, and his sister is missing somewhere in Chicago.
Brett brings Roman to Boden’s office, where he repeats the story for Boden, Severide and Casey. Boden points out that Donna (returning guest star Melissa Ponzio) teaches at the school that Sarah attends, so he asks his wife about the case. Donna knows who Sarah is and agrees to help in any way she can.
After Chicago Fire briefly cuts away to show us that Casey and Brett are in fact on their road trip, Severide brings Roman along to interview Donna. Donna explains that Sarah was on academic probation, but her problems had only started recently, confirming Roman’s belief that his sister fell in with a bad crowd.
She also introduces them to one of Sarah’s other friends, who admits that Sarah was dating Logan Peters—who was previously expelled from school for drug dealing but continues to hang around. Roman is chomping at the bit to find Logan, especially since Logan is 25 and Sarah’s 17, and Severide insists on going with him.
This is a natural spot for Chicago Fire to return to Brett, who asks Casey to wish her good luck before she arrives at what’s supposed to be her mother’s house. Unfortunately, a guy answers the door and claims she doesn’t live there. Both Brett and Casey have no idea what to make of this, and Brett is disheartened again.