How was Chicago Fire season 8 for Matthew Casey? We’re looking back at how Chicago Fire’s latest season went for Jesse Spencer’s character.
As we continue to look back on Chicago Fire season 8, we’re breaking down the season for each of the show’s characters.
Did your favorite character have a good season or a bad season? What were their strong points and were there any weaknesses? Was the character affected by the show’s writing, or vice versa? Where could they go from here?
Check out our detailed character breakdown, and let us know your thoughts on how this season was for each character in the comments.
In this article, we’re profiling Matthew Casey (Jesse Spencer).
What happened
As it relates to Casey, One Chicago fans will remember Chicago Fire season 8 for its developments in his personal life—and the one big development that it didn’t get to.
The midseason finale involved the return of his ex-wife Gabriela Dawson (Monica Raymund), who had come back to Chicago for a fundraising event. However, the episode revealed that she didn’t actually have to be there; she had wanted to come and see Casey again, and the two of them had a one-night stand. Not only that, but Dawson left it open-ended, with a phone message for her ex saying that he could always come visit her.
But Chicago Fire dropped that storyline as quickly as it re-introduced it, instead choosing to keep teasing a potential hookup between Casey and Sylvie Brett (Kara Killmer). Casey became Brett’s shoulder to lean on, helping her decide if she should connect with her birth mother, driving her to find her birth mom, and then comforting her in all of the emotional ups and downs. But through all that, the two are still no closer to being a couple than they were a season ago.
Professionally, Casey’s episodes usually involved helping another woman in distress, whether it was assisting a woman who realized she’d been taken by a con artist, or going to bat for the mom whose nosy neighbor was trying to get her son taken away from her. He was very much in “white knight” mode this season, both on and off the clock.