What Chicago Med season 5 means for April Sexton
With Chexton having become Chicago Med‘s central relationship, it turned into what Manstead used to be—a constant stream of dramatic ups and downs. But as a result, April’s arc became frustrating, almost laughable at points.
It was never clear why Crockett became attracted to her, or she to him, and having her kiss him as a coping mechanism was pretty ridiculous behavior. So was not fessing up immediately, although that could be considered more of an issue with the writers (in the sense of leaving that critical bit for the most dramatic moment). She’s so in love with Ethan that she’s willing to potentially hurt herself so they can have a baby—but not enough to be honest with him about her infidelity? That didn’t make sense.
Assuming that April and Choi reconcile (which is a safe bet given the show’s investment into them as a couple), next season would be the third time that they’ve gotten together romantically. That’s a lot, and a big back and forth for them as well as for the audience watching. If anything, season 5 showed how immature April can be, and was a big sign that she needs to take a deep breath, get an idea of what she really wants, and completely commit to it.
Plus, what is she doing professionally? Her only significant development there was taking over as the hybrid OR nurse, and Chicago Med only used that to put her into close quarters with Crockett. With Maggie Lockwood (Marlyne Barrett) batting cancer, there was a big opportunity for April that largely went unused. What does April want out of her career? Is she happy being a rank and file nurse? Will she continue working in the hybrid OR?