The grudge
In the subsequent interrogation, Voight reveals that the gun he took off of Marco is the same type as the one that killed Blaine. Marco admits knowing Blaine but denies killing him; he says he handed Blaine some $3,000 as a loan “to help out a friend.” As they parted company, he adds, somebody else pulled up and started taking pictures, causing Blaine to get upset. And that other man…was driving a Prius.
After Chicago PD officially rules Perez out as a suspect, the Prius driver is identified as Zach Phillips, who had filed an excessive force complaint after Blaine arrested him at a protest a short while ago. Zach refuses to answer questions willingly, so Upton and Halstead arrest him instead. In the interrogation room, Upton argues with Zach about the protest (he claims he was injured by Blaine’s nightstick and that Blaine ignored him saying he had asthma).
While she’s doing that, Adam Ruzek (Patrick John Flueger) shows Voight what Zach’s photos captured: Blaine giving the envelope of money he got from Perez to a mystery woman. As Ruzek leaves Voight’s office, Trudy Platt (Amy Morton) alerts him to the fact that Blaine’s widow Dana is waiting downstairs. She’s worried that his family won’t get his full pension, and he assures her that he’ll take care of her. But after she leaves, Platt reveals that Internal Affairs is also looking into Mike Blaine.
Voight goes straight to Deputy Superintendet Miller to complain about this. “What am I missing?” he wants to know. She admits that she’s under pressure from both the press and the Fraternal Order of Police. He admits that they still can’t explain some of what Mike was doing, so she shouldn’t give any speeches just yet. It’s surprisingly nice for Voight.
Back at the office, Halstead asks Upton about her dad again and finds out he needs surgery. He tells her that if she doesn’t go see him, even though he hurt her, she’ll regret it for the rest of her life. The two return from the break room so Upton can tell the team that mud on the tires of Zach’s Prius is a match to the crime scene. She’s told to “play nice” with the guy this time.
Zach continues to insist that he’s innocent, even offering to take a polygraph. But when he goes off about hating the police, Halstead loses it a bit and asks him to recognize that people are flawed. That doesn’t get to Zach, but it affects Upton. He thinks she was referring to her and tells him she doesn’t want his help. Well, that’s killed their new relationship buzz.