Chicago Med season 6, episode 6 recap: Don’t Want To Face This Now

"Don't Want To Face This Now" Episode 606 -- Pictured: (l-r) Marlyne Barrett as Maggie Lockwood -- (Photo by: Elizabeth Sisson/NBC)
"Don't Want To Face This Now" Episode 606 -- Pictured: (l-r) Marlyne Barrett as Maggie Lockwood -- (Photo by: Elizabeth Sisson/NBC)
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Chicago Med
“Don’t Want To Face This Now” Episode 606 — Pictured: Tehmina Sunny as Dr. Sabeena Virani — (Photo by: Elizabeth Sisson/NBC)

Charles asks Kelly about the events leading up to her jumping out of the car. Kelly is frustrated by not remembering all the things that her mother is telling her they used to do, despite Charles’ assurance that her memory will return eventually.

Speaking of family, a DCFS rep interrupts as Auggie is being taken to surgery, saying that only a family member can consent to the procedure. (It’s unintentionally hilarious how Goodwin says “I heard there was a problem with the transplant” about ten seconds after the rep interrupts. You were standing maybe five feet away; of course you heard it.)

Will finishes up his presentation and Virani suggests that he could do clinical trials for the rest of his career; she even offers to set up a meeting with her boss at the pharmaceutical company. He says he’s flattered, but he’s an ED doctor. Still, the two are quite chummy with each other as he leaves to start another shift.

After April suggests Ethan get some sleep, they rush to find their patient getting worse (at least his wife came back). He finally consents to Choi helping him, because Choi has a new idea.

He brings in Dr. Sam Abrams (recurring guest star Brennan Brown), who explains to the man’s wife that what’s really happening is one of his arteries is pulsing against a nerve, wearing down the nerve’s insulation and causing those bursts of pain. Abrams recommends surgery while Maggie tries to keep Auggie comfortable, getting more emotional when he calls her “Mom.”

She tells Goodwin that she and Ben have decided quickly to permanently adopt Auggie, which would make them his legal family. But Goodwin decides to override DCFS and do the transplant anyway, even saying she’ll go to the press if they object.

Charles brings Kelly’s mom into her room so Kelly can explain that she couldn’t take the pressure of all these memories she can’t recall. Charles points out that her mom couldn’t remember some things either and asks if she’s just wholesale making stuff up. Mom tearfully admits that she has been; she’s talking about things she wanted to do or started with Kelly, not things they actually did.

Natalie tells Crockett that Goodwin shot her down, and Crockett decides to talk to his patient one more time…without Natalie. He tells the patient about his daughter and convinces her that her life has value. She consents to having the tumor removed. Speaking of kids, Charles comes home to Anna telling him that she’s bleeding. He turns around and takes her to the hospital.

Choi argues with Will about skipping out on the ED to do his trial presentation; Will tells him to take it up with Goodwin. April looks on angsty, before Natalie tells Anna that she’s not pregnant; she’s just chemically pregnant and she’s going to be fine now. Well, that subplot didn’t last long. Charles tells his daughter that her parents can agree on the fact that they love her and gives her a hug.

Choi’s patient wakes up after a successful surgery and is emotional about no longer being in pain. April and Choi leave him to apologize to his wife, with April telling Choi that “another doctor might have given up.” She also tells him she gets what he did for Noah, while the show reveals that Auggie’s surgery was a success and that Will has decided to take Dr. Virani up on her offer after all. Not only that but he’s walking her to her car.

In the last scene, Crockett gets home and finally opens up a box of his late daughter’s belongings. Understandably, the dude starts to cry before tossing the lid back on the box and walking away.

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