As we continue to look back on Chicago Med season 6, we’re breaking down the season for each of the show’s characters.
Did your favorite character have a good season or a bad season? What were their strong points and were there any weaknesses? Was the character affected by the show’s writing, or vice versa? Where could they go from here?
Check out our detailed character breakdown, and let us know your thoughts on how this season was for each character in the comments.
In this article, we’re profiling Crockett Marcel (Dominic Rains).
What happened
The sixth season—his second—was when we finally started getting the details about Crockett’s backstory that fans had been asking for. Not only did we learn more about what happened with his daughter (and briefly saw his ex-wife), but we got some other facts that immediately set him apart from other characters, such as the fact that Crockett Marcel is not his birth name. (That part was particularly cool, since it matched up closer with Dominic Rains’ actual background.)
Beyond that, though, the bulk of his screen time was concentrated on realizing the flirtation he had with Dr. Natalie Manning (Torrey DeVitto). The two were a couple for most of the season, even going so far as to exchange those three little words, but DeVitto’s decision to exit the show has obviously put a period at the end of that relationship.
We got to see Crockett take on a few interesting cases, such as when he utilized his daughter’s story to get a patient to get the treatment she needed, or his moment of insecurity when a past patient came back into the ED and he feared he’d made a major mistake.
Those stories were good, but sort of countered by the episode in which he decided to perform a surgery he shouldn’t have (“In Search of Forgiveness, Not Permission”). Not only should he have been fired for that, it was really awkward that became the impetus for he and Natalie to hook up almost immediately after.