Law and Order announces three-part crossover event in 2022

LAW & ORDER: ORGANIZED CRIME -- "Friend Or Foe" Episode 222 -- Pictured: Christopher Meloni as Det. Elliot Stabler -- (Photo by:Will Hart/NBC)
LAW & ORDER: ORGANIZED CRIME -- "Friend Or Foe" Episode 222 -- Pictured: Christopher Meloni as Det. Elliot Stabler -- (Photo by:Will Hart/NBC)

We all love crossover events. Getting a chance to see characters from different shows interact is a dream come true, especially when they co-exist in the same television universe. One Chicago is no stranger to this practice, but it looks like Law and Order will also be getting in on the act.

The franchise, which recently revived its flagship title, will be starting off the next season with a sprawling, three-part crossover event between Law and Order, Law and Order: SVU and Law and Order: Organized Crime.

Here’s what you need to know about the anticipated event.

Law and Order crossover episodes 2022

There’s been buzz about a Law and Order crossover for some time now. During a recent interview with Entertainment Tonight, Law and Order producer Rick Eid revealed that it was something he’d discussed with the other showrunners.

"“There’s been some talk about a three-show crossover for next season”, Eid stated. “Whether it’s the first, second or third episode, I’m not sure. I’m super excited about next year and learning more about these characters and telling more interesting stories.”"

This isn’t the first time characters from one Law and Order show will appear on another. In fact, the franchise has made a habit out of swapping different characters and ensuring that the world of the show feels cohesive.

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SVU veterans Olivia Benson (Mariska Hargitay) and Tommy McGrath (Terry Serpico) appeared in a recent episode of Law and Order, but Eid was careful not to call the cameo an official crossover. “I don’t want to call this one a crossover”, he remarked. “Benson is in the show is a more accurate depiction of what happens.”

A source confirmed the crossover event to TV Line, while at the same time warning audiences that scheduling and production red tape may lead to the event being slightly delayed. Instead of kicking off the season, it may wind up being a mid-season occurrence. More details have yet to be issued.

Regardless of when the crossover event happens, it’ll be thrilling to see the different generations of Law and Order characters working together and pulling their resources in the name of solving a crime. Next stop, of course, will be a crossover with all of the One Chicago shows, but that’s a topic for another time…

For the latest Law and Order, SVU and Organized Crime spoilers and news, plus more on the entire series, follow the Law and Order shows category at One Chicago Center.