Bring back: Evan Hawkins
This one is still fresh. Evan Hawkins (Jimmy Nicholas) went from being a character that fans felt indifferent towards, to one they outright loved by the time he was caught in the wreckage of a collapsed building. Part of the turnaround was due to his romance with Violet (Hanako Greensmith).
They became a defining will-they/won’t-they on the show for a while, and the tragedy of them making things official right before Hawkins died left fans reeling. We’d like to bring Hawkins back and give him a chance to develop things further with Violet.
Leave be: Benny Severide
This is by no means a reflection on Treat Williams. The actor, who recently passed away, did a terrific job of playing the brilliant and troubled firefighter dad of Severide. It’s just that the elder Severide cast a long shadow, and the younger Severide always felt diminished when he was around.
Benny Severide’s passing happened offscreen, but we’re fans of the way that Kelly Severide has matured in the years since. He’s grown as a person, and been able to articulate his feelings on the matter with more clarity than ever before. We’d say it’s a worthy trade off.