Chicago Med will be bringing back a key character introduced before the crossover

The next episode of Chicago Med will see a key character introduced prior to the crossover event.
CHICAGO MED -- "Take a Look in the Mirror" Episode 1013 -- Pictured: (l-r) Ashlei Sharpe Chestnut as Naomi Howard, Sarah Ramos as Dr. Caitlin Lenox
CHICAGO MED -- "Take a Look in the Mirror" Episode 1013 -- Pictured: (l-r) Ashlei Sharpe Chestnut as Naomi Howard, Sarah Ramos as Dr. Caitlin Lenox | Photo by: George Burns Jr/NBC

While we loved the One Chicago crossover event, it’s fair to say that the crossover’s placement in the middle of the current seasons of Chicago Med, Fire, and PD, has created a bit of a disjointed stretch of episodes for the three shows. 

Due to the nature of the crossover, it was almost a standalone episode of sorts in pressing pause on most of the bigger storylines from the current seasons. This has led to some storylines that had just been introduced before the crossover and storylines that had just started heating up being put on the back burner. 

This includes a storyline introduced right before the crossover in episode 10, “Broken Hearts,” which showed fans a different side of Lennox. In the episode, we saw Lennox going out of her way to try to impress a charming doctor who she seemed quite smitten with which was a fun change from the Lennox we had seen thus far this season. The storyline went cold with the arrival of the crossover, but it seems we’re finally going to revisit the storyline and see more of Lennox and Hayes! 

Brendan Hines set to return as Dr. Hayes on Chicago Med

As confirmed via a newly released photo for Chicago Med season 10, episode 13, “Take a Look in the Mirror,” Brendan Hines will be returning in the role of Dr. Nicholas Hayes and it seems his arrival might be about to test Lennox in a way we haven’t seen yet this season. 

The official synopsis for the episode teases that Lenox’s mentorship is put to a test and it seems Dr. Hayes could be a factor in that test as the one photo released from the episode featuring his character finds him in the midst of a conversation with Lennox and Dr. Howard. 

Could it be that Lennox is about to have a difference of opinion with how to approach a case that will test her mentorship skills? Or perhaps the struggle might come from Lennox giving Howard more responsibilities on the case and taking a back seat when her instincts are to take the lead to impress Hayes. 

We did get a sense that perhaps Lennox is interested in Hayes so we’d expect she’d want to impress him if they were to work on a case again. There were hints of romantic interest when they interacted before and Lennox pushed herself to impress him, so we imagine if they’re working together again she might take a similar approach which would test her abilities to mentor Dr. Howard. 

What we do know is that we hope this won’t be the last we’ll see of Dr. Hayes as we’re eager to see more of Hines in the series and to see what might come of the relationship between Lennox and Hayes.