Chicago Med episode 13 synopsis teases trouble ahead for one doctor

It seems one Chicago Med doctor is about to find themselves in hot water.
CHICAGO MED -- "Take a Look in the Mirror" Episode 1013 -- Pictured: Luke Mitchell as Dr. Mitch Ripley
CHICAGO MED -- "Take a Look in the Mirror" Episode 1013 -- Pictured: Luke Mitchell as Dr. Mitch Ripley | Photo by: George Burns Jr/NBC

Fans might not be able to enjoy a new episode of Chicago Med this week as the One Chicago shows take a week off, but it seems when season 10 resumes on February 19, one doctor is going to continue to wander down a very dangerous path. 

As teased in the logline of the next episode, “Take a Look in the Mirror,” it appears that Ripley is going to continue to spiral following Sully’s death. While NBC is keeping the exact details under wraps, it’s been teased that Ripley will continue his self-destructive behavior and it appears that things are going to escalate in the next episode which definitely is reason for concern. 

We’re starting to get worried about Ripley on Chicago Med

We anticipated that the death of Sully would hit Ripley hard and worried about how he might grieve the sudden loss of his friend, but we weren’t quite prepared for him to spiral so quickly and travel down a very dangerous road. 

After Sully’s death, Ripley threw himself into work during the One Chicago crossover; however, once things settled following the intense crossover, we began to see just how hard Sully’s death is hitting him. In episode 12, we watched as Ripley tried to drink his sorrows away by staying out late with his friends and getting drunk. 

As if that wasn’t bad enough, as the episode neared its end, Ripley lashed out at Hannah saying some truly nasty things in throwing her struggles with addiction in her face to excuse his own behavior. To make matters worse, while out drinking with friends, Ripley was involved in a bar fight with a man who threw a punch after Ripley bumped into him outside the bar. The episode ended with Ripley delivering a serious beating to the man and the promo for episode 13 then revealed that the man involved in the bar fight was brought into Med for treatment following the fight. 

Our fear is that Ripley will not disclose his role in the fight and that when the man comes to the E.D., he’s going to identify Ripley as his attacker. And while the other man did throw the first punch, Ripley’s actions were inexcusable and a failure to disclose his role in the fight could put him in hot water with Goodwin. In fact, we wouldn’t be surprised if Ripley were suspended for his actions which could result in him missing a few episodes of the show similar to what we saw when Cruz was suspended on Chicago Fire this season. 

While it’s clear Ripley is walking down a very dangerous and dark path, we can only hope that he’ll be able to turn things around and get his life back on track as he’s been an amazing addition to the Med staff and we’d hate to see him throw his career away due to his inability to process his grief in a healthy manner.