Why did Christopher leave 911? (The answer is quite heartbreaking)

Christopher left L.A. behind in the 911 season 7 premiere and been living with his grandparents, and there's a heartbreaking reason he chose to leave.
Autism In Focus 2023 Film Festival
Autism In Focus 2023 Film Festival | Michael Tullberg/GettyImages

911 season 8 has been a rough one for Eddie and his son Christopher. While the pair once had one of the show’s most central relationships with the father and son duo bringing us some of the show’s sweetest moments, a major wedge has come between the pair this season with their relationship being tested in a way it’s never really been tested before. 

Rather than getting to enjoy fun father-son moments, Eddie and Christopher’s scenes have been plagued with tension and it’s been truly heartbreaking to see the once close father and son growing further apart with each passing episode. Even up to the fall finale, the pair have found themselves at odds with Christopher cutting Eddie out of his life and keeping him at a distance, pushing his father away, and failing to keep him updated on the latest events of his life. 

So what exactly happened between the pair that has led them be so distant? 

In the season 7 finale, Christopher chose to move to Texas to live with his grandparents and he’s remained in Texas throughout the first several episodes of season 8. Christopher chose to leave L.A. after he caught Eddie cheating on his girlfriend with Kim, a woman who shared an uncanny resemblance to Christopher’s late mom, Shannon. 

After seeing Eddie with Kim, Christopher locked himself in his room and refused to come out until his grandparents arrived from Texas. It was then that Eddie’s parents revealed they had come to town after Christopher called them and he later made it clear he wanted to move with them back to Texas. 

At first, Eddie didn’t want to agree to Christopher’s wish, but he ultimately caved and let his son move back to Texas with his grandparents. When Christopher left, Eddie tried to make amends but it was clear Christopher was still working through the anger felt by what he had witnessed.

In letting Christopher move to Texas with his grandparents, Eddie hoped that it would give him the space needed to cool down and that he’d eventually come home on his own. However, one month turned into another and with each passing month, Christopher has just become more distant, cutting his father out of the latest events in his life which has left Eddie struggling with his own guilt over hurting his son and their relationship taking a toll as a result. 

It’s unclear how long Christopher will remain in Texas and what might bring him back to town, but at least we’ve still gotten to see Gavin McHugh appear in a limited capacity this season – though we miss seeing him in person and not just via video calls with his father.

911 airs Thursdays at 8/7c on ABC.