From the moment Fire Country season 3, episode 14 wrapped, fans have been holding their breaths waiting to see what Manny’s fate would be, and for good reason.
As the previous episode ended Manny was found in his bunk in desperate need of urgent medical treatment showing similar signs of illness that Birch had led to his death. Episode 15 begins by giving us a quick update on Manny who has been taken to the hospital for treatment.
The labs are positive for pesticide poisoning and they order some medications with the goal being to avoid organ failure. It seems like they get Manny to the hospital in time, but it becomes clear something is going on at Three Rock with Manny’s doctor suggesting to Eve that she has the camp tested to try to find the source of the pesticide poisoning the inmates.
When Eve returns to Three Rock, she’s shocked to find more of the men are now showing signs of infection. Eve assures the group that she’s going to get to the bottom of this and make sure they get needed treatment as she calls for an immediate work stoppage. After thinking through what could be causing the illness, Eve orders for their well to be tested asap fearing it could be the water poisoning the inmates at Three Rock.
Eve heads back to the firehouse to ask Sharon for help and they look into who might be poisoning the camp’s well. The search reveals it's a major corporation with a lot of power in the area as a major donor, which is going to require them to take a very careful approach in their next steps.
Sharon tries to get some information from a contact on the corporation’s board but before she’s able to gather any information, an attorney for the corporation arrives at the firehouse. Sharon tells him there is a well that their corporation is polluting and he says the visit isn’t about answering questions. He informs her that all future communications will cease immediately with all dialogue going through their in-house lawyers hinting that a bigger battle is about to come about.
Making matters even more interesting is that Jake’s new girlfriend has just accepted a job as a member of the legal team’s corporation which is sure to create some tension and could extinguish their new relationship.

Jake and Bodie team up on a lighthouse rescue operation
Early in the episode, the Leone family prepares to help Walter get settled into his new assisted living home but has to take a detour back to the firehouse due to the storm hitting the area. Things get tense as Walter lashes out at Vince for putting him in a home and the two almost come to blows.
When Jake gets a call about a lighthouse museum needing help with an evacuation, Vince sends Bodie along with him and the pair head out to the site where they find that the stairs have collapsed leaving tourists stranded. Using a ladder, the pair help get the tourists down to safety pretty easily until the end but Bodie manages to catch the woman as she falls and they patch her up.
As they do one last sweep, they find that the lighthouse keeper is stuck up there and he refuses to come down as his scanner shows two fishing vessels are out at sea and need help. He wants to turn the museum into a working lighthouse beacon for them, so they get the lighthouse’s light back up and running.
It works enough to help get one boat to safety, but a fire ignites when a wire shorts out. Bodie and Jake shut down the power and put the fire out, but the lighthouse keeper isn’t ready to give up just yet with one more ship still out there in need of their help. Bodie comes up with the idea to start a controlled fire to use in place of the bulb and the plan works out in the end helping them to get the second boat to safety.
After saving the day, the episode ended with a bit of an unexpected cliffhanger as Bodie’s parole officer arrived at his doorstep to inform him they needed to talk about why he’s been associating with known criminals. With that, the episode came to a close leaving us to wonder who exactly his parole officer is referring to and what problems might await him.