NCIS brings back a familiar face from the 1000th episode (and references past shows)

Not only did NCIS bring back a face from a past episode, but they made mention of the other shows in the franchise. Find out what happened in the latest episode.
“Baker’s Man” – After NCIS learns that the owner of Parker’s favorite bakery (guest star Melina Kanakaredes) is being blackmailed, they hatch a plan to save her from the perpetrators. Also, tensions heighten when Torres’ secret romance is discovered, on the CBS Original series NCIS, Monday, Jan. 27 (9:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network, and streaming on Paramount+ (live and on-demand for Paramount+ with SHOWTIME subscribers, or on-demand for Paramount+ Essential subscribers the
“Baker’s Man” – After NCIS learns that the owner of Parker’s favorite bakery (guest star Melina Kanakaredes) is being blackmailed, they hatch a plan to save her from the perpetrators. Also, tensions heighten when Torres’ secret romance is discovered, on the CBS Original series NCIS, Monday, Jan. 27 (9:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network, and streaming on Paramount+ (live and on-demand for Paramount+ with SHOWTIME subscribers, or on-demand for Paramount+ Essential subscribers the

The NCIS team’s search into a Navy Lieutenant’s murder led them to an unwanted familiar face who was tied to Director Vance’s shooting the previous year. How was Fletcher Voss connected to this case in particular?

There was a theft at a blood bank and dozens of blood bags were torn apart, except for one, which Kasie realized had been stolen. She was able to determine the owner of the donated blood was Lauren Hawthorn, who seemed like an unassuming woman who worked for a software company.

When Parker and Knight went to her home to speak to her, they didn’t find her, until they followed the strong scent of bleach and discovered a barrel of acid and a body in said barrel. Eventually, Kasie was able to determine the body belonged to Lauren, so they needed to find her killer.

Fletcher Voss returned after involvement in Vance's shooting

Baker's Man
“Baker’s Man” – After NCIS learns that the owner of Parker’s favorite bakery (guest star Melina Kanakaredes) is being blackmailed, they hatch a plan to save her from the perpetrators. Also, tensions heighten when Torres’ secret romance is discovered, on the CBS Original series NCIS, Monday, Jan. 27 (9:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network, and streaming on Paramount+ (live and on-demand for Paramount+ with SHOWTIME subscribers, or on-demand for Paramount+ Essential subscribers the

The company she worked for was called Life Sequence. According to an employee, Holly, their specialization involved preparing health plans that catered to one’s DNA sequence. McGee and Parker discovered that Fletcher Voss was the CEO of the company.

As fans may recall, Voss had been the founder of Bandium and had unknowingly encouraged a vengeful woman to attack Vance with conspiracies about NCIS due to his company going broke and in the process of losing his contract with the organization. Despite the team thinking he was still imprisoned, he had gotten his sentence reduced and was let out on good behavior.

Eventually, they learned that not only were Voss and Lauren dating, but that she had been pregnant when she was murdered. Voss was their prime suspect and began to do some digging into the company, which used sequencers in order to keep track of a person’s activities and health situation.

Fletcher Voss suffers a hemorrhagic stroke

Knight and Day
“Knight and Day” – Things become tense when Knight is assigned to protect his wife after the home of a high-level defense contractor is attacked, on the CBS Original series NCIS, Monday, Nov. 25 (9:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network, and streaming on Paramount+ (live and on-demand for Paramount+ with SHOWTIME subscribers, or on-demand for Paramount+ Essential subscribers the day after the episode airs)*. Pictured (L-R): Wilmer Valderrama as NCIS Special Agent Nicholas “Nick”

Voss had gone to see Lauren the night she was determined to have been killed. Just as he was being interrogated, he had a medical episode and vomited a health drink he had been consuming. The team learns he had suffered a hemorrhagic stroke due to a blood thinner being put into the drink. He had been consuming it daily and eventually, it lead to his stroke due to the blood thinner building in his system.

They question Holly, who turned out to be the original founder of the company before she began working with Voss since he had the money to bring it off the ground. However, he eventually iced her out and she discovered there were problems with the data and it didn’t work like it should. Even though she did give Voss the drinks he had been consuming, she only did it under the direction of the company’s in-house doctor.

Doctor Donovan had been brought in as a medical expert so he would know that there was no evidence that the company’s work was accurate. His name was on the studies that would be deemed fake and if Voss brought the company public, it would make him culpable. 

The episode references NCIS: Hawaii and NCIS: LA

A Family Matter
“A Family Matter” – Following the cliffhanger Season 19 finale, with Parker (Gary Cole) still on the run with his ex-wife Vivian (Terri Polo), the team investigates who from his past might have a personal vendetta against him in hopes of clearing Parker’s name. Enlisting the help of NCIS: Hawai’i’s Special Agent Jane Tennant (Vanessa Lachey) and Computer Specialist Ernie Malick (Jason Antoon), who are in town meeting with Director Leon Vance (Rocky Carroll) in preparation for a global military

Once the case was over, Vance told the team that Voss needed a blood transfusion and the best way he could get one was via McGee, who was a universal donor. McGee may not have been Voss’s biggest fan, but he did donate his blood so Voss could recover. 

This was a neat way to bring back a face from the past, especially since it stirred up memories from the 1,000th episode of NCIS. We also got to see McGee in dad mode as he worked on a fundraiser for his twins. All in all, it was an interesting episode that allowed us to see a different take on a case for the team to investigate.

Plus, the episode also invoked the other shows in the franchise as a way for Kasie to help McGee raise more money. Kasie mentioned calling on the team from Sydney to donate and she also had a tally of names from the headquarters in Los Angeles, New Orleans, and Hawaii. This was a fun way to incorporate the beloved characters from all three shows, especially since they are no longer on air. 

Stay tuned for more NCIS Mondays on CBS at 9/8c. Previous episodes are on Paramount+.