Chicago Fire boss teases problems for Brettsey wedding in season 12

The storybook romance we expect may not go smoothly.
CHICAGO FIRE -- "Light Things Up" Episode 819 -- Pictured: (l-r) Miranda Rae Mayo as Stella Kidd, Kara Killmer as Sylvie Brett -- (Photo by: Adrian Burrows/NBC)
CHICAGO FIRE -- "Light Things Up" Episode 819 -- Pictured: (l-r) Miranda Rae Mayo as Stella Kidd, Kara Killmer as Sylvie Brett -- (Photo by: Adrian Burrows/NBC)

The romance between Sylvie Brett (Kara Killmer) and Matt Casey (Jesse Spencer) has not been perfect. They've gone through ups and downs, as well as a breakup, but Chicago Fire season 12 has made it seem like they are past all the hiccups and ready to get the storybook ending they deserve.

Well, that's not the case. During a recent interview with Looper, Chicago Fire showrunner Andrea Newman revealed that Brett and Casey are going to have to endure some more drama before they eventually tie the knot.

Brett and Casey experience wedding complications

Chicago Fire - Season 9
CHICAGO FIRE -- "Escape Route" Episode 908 -- Pictured: Jesse Spencer as Matthew Casey -- (Photo by: Adrian S. Burrows Sr./NBC)

Newman confirmed that Casey would be returning to the show in season 12 (makes sense, kind of hard to have a wedding without one of the participants), but it was in answering this question that the new showrunner teased future complications:

"We love Matt Casey — we love Jesse — and we will definitely see him this season. We'll see those two together. But there are plans in place that go awry. Things don't go exactly how anyone thinks it's going to go."

Fans got a taste of plans going awry during the second episode of the season, "Call Me McHolland." It was here, in the midst of all the usual 51 drama, that Brett came to the terrifying realization that she doesn't have a wedding venue, despite wanting to get married within a month.

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The other team members suggest venues, but the character realized that it's going to be difficult to get a proper-sized, and emotionally resonant venue on such short notice. Not great.

Brett puts herself in harm's way as a medic

This isn't the first time that Newman has discussed the resolution of the Brettsey arc. During another interview with Fangirlish, the showrunner confirmed that Brett will have a few crucial storylines in the workplace, and that one may even put her in mortal danger:

"We have [Kara] for a chunk of episodes. [Brett] kind of throws herself into the job in a way that we have never seen before. She is fully committed, and she takes some big risks—maybe too big."

The promo for season 12, episode 3, titled "Trapped", sees Brett give chase over a woman that appears to ask for help. The paramedic runs a red light during said chase, which definitely freaks Violet (Hanako Greensmith) out. We can't wait to see how Brett gets out of this one.