Dante Torres (Benjamin Levy Aguilar) has not had the smoothest track record on Chicago PD. He was brought in by Jay Halstead (Jesse Lee Soffer), who soon quit the team, and then he was caught using extreme tactics during the interrogation of a suspect.
Torres is a definite asset to the team, given his athleticism, fearlessness, and knowledge of Chicago gangs, but he's been conspicuously absent for the last few episodes. He missed the season 10 finale AND the first couple episodes of season 11, which has fans questioning when he will return.
Torres' return is confirmed in promo photos

Fortunately, the answer is soon. Torres will not play a role in the third episode of season 11, "Safe Harbor", but he will make his triumphant return to the show in the fourth episode, titled "Escape."
Related: Chicago PD reinstates fan favorite character
There hasn't been an official synopsis released yet, but NBC has released promo photos for the episode, and Torres appears in most of them.
The character can be seen having a conversation with Gloria Perez (Yara Martinez), a mysterious character who seems to play a crucial role in the events of the story.
Torres will appear in Chicago PD 1104

Torres can be seen interrogating Perez in several of the promo photos, and if his involvement in the official police investigation of the episode was in question, another photo shows him wielding a gun and pointing it at an unidentified person in a car.
Chicago PD showrunner Gwen Sigan confirmed that Torres would eventually return during a chat with TV Line. She assured the fans that the character will have a big role to play in season 11, and will have a storyline involving an undercover mission.
Related: Chicago PD reinstates fan favorite character
Sigan went as far as to say that Torres will have to contend with a "really fun criminal organization." We're ready to see what the rookie can do after some time away and a renewed outlook on the job.