Couple alert? Chicago Fire teases new firehouse romance in season 12

It looks like the seeds are being planted for another 51 fling.

CHICAGO FIRE -- "Never, Ever Make a Mistake" Episode 1120 -- Pictured: Jake Lockett as Carver -- (Photo by: Adrian S Burrows Sr/NBC)
CHICAGO FIRE -- "Never, Ever Make a Mistake" Episode 1120 -- Pictured: Jake Lockett as Carver -- (Photo by: Adrian S Burrows Sr/NBC)

The established romances took up a lot of the screen time in the Chicago Fire season 12 premiere. There was the rocky reconciliation of Severide (Taylor Kinney) and Kidd (Miranda Rae Mayo), as well as the exciting engagement phase for Brett (Kara Killmer) and the offscreen Casey (Jesse Spencer).

In the midst of all these relationships, however, there was a hint of something new in the premiere. At one point during the episode, Brett is discussing her wedding plans, and has an exchange with Carver (Jake Lockett) about bringing a plus one.

Sam Carver and Violet continue to flirt on the job

Chicago Fire - Season 12
CHICAGO FIRE -- "Barely Gone" Episode 12001 -- Pictured: (l-r) Taylor Kinney as Kelly Severide, Daniel Kyri as Darren Ritter, Jake Lockett as Sam Carver -- (Photo by: Adrian S Burrows Sr/NBC)

Brett then suggests that Carver could go with Violet (Hanako Greensmith), who happened to be standing right next to the two of them while the conversation took place. There was an awkward silence, and then Carver jokingly said that if neither he nor Violet could find a date in time for the wedding then they could go together.

Violet didn't appreciate being considered a "pity date" and stormed off, leaving Brett to voice regret over throwing the idea out in the first place. It's Kidd, however, who points out that people don't get that annoyed with one another if there isn't a little part of them that cares...

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Carver and Violet had some flirtatious moments during the season 11 finale, so it makes sense that the unspoken tension between the 51 members continues into the new year. If there was any doubt that something is going to occur between the two characters, then a scene towards the end of the premiere laid it to rest.

Brett suggested they go to her wedding together

Chicago Fire - Season 12
CHICAGO FIRE -- "Barely Gone" Episode 12001 -- Pictured: (l-r) Miranda Rae Mayo as Stella Kidd, Kara Killmer as Sylvie Brett, Hanako Greensmith as Violet Mikami -- (Photo by: Adrian S Burrows Sr/NBC)

Violet and the rest of the medic team respond to a man who was laying on the side of the road. They initially think the man is dead, given that there's a huge gash in his head, but the man starts making noises and startles the team.

They manage to get him to safety, and afterwards, Carver goes out of his way to commend Violet on how she handled the situation. Violet dismisses the compliment, but the camera lingers on Carver, suggesting that much more was being communicated than a simple pat on the back.

Brett dated her wedding as being one month from the premiere, so we're sure to see more of the Carver and Violet dynamic over the next few episodes. If Chicago Fire has taught us anything over the years, it's that the 51 brings out the romantic in its employees.