What’s next for Dr. Crockett Marcel in Chicago Med season 10?

The character's fate is somehow both clear and unclear.
CHICAGO MED -- "Just A River In Egypt" Episode 519 -- Pictured: Dominic Rains as Crockett Marcel -- (Photo by: Elizabeth Sisson/NBC)
CHICAGO MED -- "Just A River In Egypt" Episode 519 -- Pictured: Dominic Rains as Crockett Marcel -- (Photo by: Elizabeth Sisson/NBC)

Yes, Dr. Crockett Marcel (Dominic Rains) is leaving. Deadline confirmed that the character would be written off Chicago Med. The outlet did not explain, however, how the character will be written off. Marcel has unfinished business to resolve before he turns in his Gaffney uniform.

This is one of the many elements that's going to make season 10 so fascinating. Dr. Marcel ended season 9 on a supremely sobering note. The surgeon was shaken to his core after two related tragedies on the job. Dr. Marcel canceled a liver transplant for a little boy due to an infection, but the boy wound up dying as a result. To make matters worse, the boy's father then took his own life.

Crockett Marcel's fate was teased in the season 9 finale

Chicago Med - Season 6
CHICAGO MED -- "In Search of Forgiveness, Not Permission" Episode 604 -- Pictured: (l-r) S. Epatha Merkerson as Sharon Goodwin, Dominic Rains as Crockett Marcel -- (Photo by: Elizabeth Sisson/NBC)

Unsurprisingly, Dr. Marcel was traumatized by what happened. It not only led him to question his own judgement in the field, but it evoked memories of his own son dying of  leukemia. Dr. Sharon Goodwin (S. Epatha Merkerson) told Marcel to take as much time as he needed to grieve.

This is where the speculation comes into play. It's safe to assume that Dr. Marcel is leaving Chicago Med because of the season 9 tragedies, but it's less clear how the character's exit will play out. The outlets that reported on his exit noted that it's not yet been decided whether Marcel will appear in season 10, or if his character will already been written off the show by the premiere.

Chicago Med hasn't decided if Marcel will appear in season 10

Chicago Med - Season 6
CHICAGO MED -- "Those Things Hidden In Plain Sight" Episode 602 -- Pictured: (l-r) Dominic Rains as Crockett Marcel -- (Photo by: Elizabeth Sisson/NBC)

The question of what's next will ultimately be answered by screen time. If Marcel appears in the first episode of the season, then fans will get to see him say goodbye to the other Gaffney characters he's grown close with over the last five seasons. We'd no doubt get some emotional scenes as a result, and a proper sense of finality given how important Dr. Marcel has been to the show overall.

If not, then the character will sadly be deprived of anything next. Fans will have to make peace with the fact that we've alredy seen the last of Dr. Marcel, and the downbeat ending of season 9 will be even more downbeat in retrospect.

What do you want to see happen?