What’s next for Stellaride on Chicago Fire?

CHICAGO FIRE -- "The F is For" Episode 612 -- Pictured: (l-r) Taylor Kinney as Kelly Severide, Miranda Rae Mayo as Stella Kidd -- (Photo by: Elizabeth Morris/NBC)
CHICAGO FIRE -- "The F is For" Episode 612 -- Pictured: (l-r) Taylor Kinney as Kelly Severide, Miranda Rae Mayo as Stella Kidd -- (Photo by: Elizabeth Morris/NBC)
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Chicago Fire
CHICAGO FIRE — “Put White On Me” Episode 617 — Pictured: Miranda Rae Mayo as Stella Kidd — (Photo by: Elizabeth Morris/NBC)

3. Severide’s mom messes things up

Tonight’s episode of Chicago Fire introduces Severide’s mom, Jennifer Sheridan, as played by guest star Kim Delaney (Army Wives, NYPD Blue). And the last time one of Severide’s parents met his girlfriend, it didn’t go well—remember how Anna stormed out of the restaurant in tears and told him their relationship was a mistake?

There’s nothing to say that Severide’s mom will be like Severide’s dad Benny (Treat Williams). In fact, from what’s been confirmed, Jennifer is pretty opposite of her ex-husband and is on good terms with her son. But her arrival could still be disruptive. When parents are introduced into TV relationships, it’s usually not good. Jennifer could decide Stella isn’t good enough for her son, or tell her something that Severide doesn’t want her to know, or just have a problem that causes strain for them (not unlike the drama surrounding Nancy Casey).

Plus, is Stellaride ready for “meet the parents” two episodes after they got back together? We know from this episode’s synopsis that Jennifer’s arrival is a surprise, and it’s just common sense that she’ll meet Stella one way or another. Even if Jennifer herself doesn’t cause anything, her being there could push Stellaride a little too fast, and maybe Stella will get nervous. After all, she did just get out of one relationship with Zach and now she’s already meeting Kelly’s mom?