Chicago PD season 6, episode 21 preview: Confession

CHICAGO P.D. -- "Confession" Episode 621 -- Pictured: Jon Seda as Antonio Dawson -- (Photo by: Matt Dinerstein/NBC)
CHICAGO P.D. -- "Confession" Episode 621 -- Pictured: Jon Seda as Antonio Dawson -- (Photo by: Matt Dinerstein/NBC)

What should fans watch for in tonight’s Chicago PD? Get ready for Confession with our Chicago PD season 6, episode 21 preview.

This week’s Chicago PD almost certainly will be bad for Antonio Dawson.

Wednesday’s installment “Confession” involves Antonio (Jon Seda) taking point in the latest drug case of the series, which is complicated due to the fact that earlier this season he was an addict.

This certainly sounds like the storyline the show will use to write him out of the series, since Jon Seda is being let go at the end of the season.  But the question is how will it happen?

Antonio’s drug addiction was a plot that surprised a few viewers, and never entirely played out; he went into treatment at midseason, but came back to work quickly and seemed to be fine. Now the show is making it an issue again.

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There are only a couple of ways that makes sense. Is the bad guy in this episode somehow connected to the one Antonio pushed out the window? Will fans see Antonio have a relapse?

Or, since Chicago PD‘s political storyline is still not resolved, will Brian Kelton (recurring guest star John C. McGinley) use the whole window-death situation against Antonio and/or as a way of getting back at the Intelligence Unit?

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However you slice it, it certainly doesn’t look like Antonio Dawson is going to ride off into the sunset and get a happy ending with his family—which may upset some One Chicago viewers who love the character, and they’re not wrong. The character has fallen on hard times this season, and everyone wants to see him pick himself up.

“Confession” also includes Kelton making his first appearance since Ray Price (Wendell Pierce) was arrested for murder, so it’ll be interesting to see if he makes some smarmy reference to what happened to his opponent or tries to get in the way of this case. After all, he’s done it before. But if you’re watching for anything, watch to see how Antonio’s story begins to wind down.

Watch a sneak peek from “Confession” now by playing the video below, then tune in tonight to see the full episode!

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