Was Chicago Fire on last night? (Nov. 24, 2021)

"Dead Zone" Episode 1006 -- Pictured: Eamonn Walker as Wallace Boden -- (Photo by: Adrian S. Burrows Sr./NBC)
"Dead Zone" Episode 1006 -- Pictured: Eamonn Walker as Wallace Boden -- (Photo by: Adrian S. Burrows Sr./NBC)

You may be tuning into Hulu looking for a new episode of Chicago Fire, but you’re not seeing one. Was Chicago Fire on last night, Wednesday, Nov. 24?

If you’re looking for the episode, don’t panic that there’s something going on with your Hulu account. You’re not missing an episode.

This is where we get to some bad news. Chicago Fire wasn’t on last night. Well, there wasn’t a new episode on last night. We did get a rerun at least.

Why wasn’t Chicago Fire on last night?

What was with the delay after already having a week off? It was the day before Thanksgiving. This is the time of year people tend to visit family. Networks tend to take nights off from new episodes this time of year because the live ratings take a dip.

In fact, the three One Chicago shows tend to go on hiatus around this time of year. It’s the time for the winter break with the shows not returning until the new year. That’s not the case this year. The show isn’t quite on its winter hiatus just yet.

However, this break is important. With a new episode still to come in 2021, it’s clear that this break is linked to production delays. The pandemic protocols are making episodes take longer to film, so these breaks in the airing schedule are necessary.

When will Chicago Fire return with new episodes?

Just how long will this break be? There’s still one more week without a new episode of the series. The new episode will air on Wednesday, Dec. 8.

This episode is going to be the fall finale. Yes, it seems odd that there is a three-week break and then the fall finale, but this is likely just the way things ran due to production delays and then Thanksgiving. Just know there is still one more episode in 2021 and then the show will head on a break until January.

Chicago Fire airs Wednesdays at 9/8c on NBC. Catch up the following day on Hulu.

For the latest Chicago Fire season 10 spoilers and news, plus more on the entire series, follow the Chicago Fire category at One Chicago Center.