9-1-1 isn't playing around. The teaser for season 8 was released on social media Wednesday, and it suggested that there are some serious threats in store for the titular first responder team. There isn't a ton that's given away in the teaser, but it does set up what fans can expect.
We see the iconic 9-1-1 logo, and hear police sirens in the distance, before bees (maybe wasps) enter the screen and surround the logo. It's safe to assume the 9-1-1 team are going to have to deal with these winged insects at some point during season 8. Our money is the season premiere, given how prominently they're featured here.
9-1-1 is going to have an insect problem in season 8
Insects aren't the only new addition to 9-1-1. The show underwent some personnel changes during the season 7 finale, the most notable of which is the promotion of Vincent Gerrard to Captain of the 118. It was not the most popular decision among fans, but it was surprising, and it's something that's going to create some dramatic (see: interesting) dynamics.
Peter Krause, the actor who plays Bobby Nash, addressed the controversial decision to promote Gerrard during an interview with TV Line. He admitted that it may be what everybody wanted, but it's going to be good for the show overall.
"“I like them butting up against each other. I could see Gerard having a real grudge against Bobby for getting all this positive attention after he took over Gerard’s firehouse."
9-1-1: Lone Star is dealing with BTS drama

The enthusiasm for 9-1-1 season 8 is sky high, which, unfortunately, cannot be said for 9-1-1: Lone Star. While the fifth season is around the corner, the cast members have been making allusions to the show being canceled sooner rather than later. One of the cast even reposted a petition to "save" the show on social media.
Hopefully 9-1-1: Lone Star is able to get its footing, and keep pace with what the flagship show has in store.