Chicago Fire: Did Violet and Blake Gallo ever officially date?

These two have had a complicated history throughout the show.
CHICAGO FIRE -- "Where We End Up" Episode 811 -- Pictured: Alberto Rosende as Blake Gallo -- (Photo by: Adrian Burrows/NBC)
CHICAGO FIRE -- "Where We End Up" Episode 811 -- Pictured: Alberto Rosende as Blake Gallo -- (Photo by: Adrian Burrows/NBC)

Blake Gallo (Alberto Rosende) is on his way out. The Chicago Fire veteran is slated to leave the show in the season 12 premiere, which is a shockingly quick turnaround considering there was nothing in season 11 to suggest that he was unhappy with his situation at the 51.

It's unclear how Chicago Fire plans to write the character out of the show (fingers crossed it isn't through death), but now's as good a time as any to reflect on Gallo and the most important dynamic he had in the 51. We're talking, of course, about his romantically-tinged friendship with Violet (Hanako Greensmith).

Gallo and Violet met under stressful circumstances on Chicago Fire

Violet and Gallo join the show within a few seasons of each other, and attended the fire academy together before they joined the 51. There was an instant connection between the two, and both of them were romantically interested in the other at various points during the last four seasons. The question is worth asking, though: did these two ever officially date?

The answer is yes! Violet was introduced in the episode 8 episode "Hold Our Ground", and her first order of business is to scold Gallo for not taking proper protocol during a car crash. Violet and Gallo argue repeatedly throughout the episode, and by the end, they give in to their obvious attraction and sleep together.

Violet and Gallo continue to hook up for the next couple episodes, before deciding to make their romance official in the episode "Then Nick Porter Happened." Everything seems as though its going fine until the episode "Shut It Down" comes around, and Gallo decides that he wants to be in a non-exclusive relationship with Violet.

Violet and Gallo broke up after briefly dating in season 8

Ironically, Gallo is the one who gets jealous when Violet agrees and goes out on a date with another guy in the episode "Original Bell." Things get tense between the characters for the rest of the season, and even into season 10, when Violet gets annoyed by the attention that Gallo is getting from DeWitt assistant Cara (Halie Robinson).

Unfortunately, it takes a tragedy for Violet and Gallo to reconnect. The death of Violet's boyfriend, Evan Hawkins (Jimmy Nicholas), during the season 11 episode "Completely Shattered", traumatizes both her and Gallo, as Gallo was nearly killed in the same building fire. The two of them bond, and rebuild the friendship that they initially had in the process.

There's some inkling of a romance between Violet and Gallo after Hawkins' death, but Gallo decides that the two of them would be better off as friends, and Violet agrees. It's unclear how the show will stage a proper send-off for these two, given all the history they've shared, but we know it will be an emotional scene.